Live at Mississippi Studios

Live at Mississippi Studios is live album recorded by Amanda Richards at Mississippi Studios in Portland, Oregon, in 2006. The album includes tracks from Not Always Sexy as well as several that would later appear on Who Has Your Heart. She performed the concert with the cellist and guitar player George Turner who also helped mix and master the recordings.

Track listing

All songs written and performed by Amanda Richards, except where noted.
  1. "Tommy"
  2. "Home, I'm On My Way"
  3. "Here I Am"
  4. "I'm Sure You'd Know"
  5. "I Love You More "
  6. "Yesterday is Here"
  7. "It's Already Over"
  8. "Who Has Your Heart"
  9. "I Want You"
  10. "Crossfire"
  11. "Diamonds and Rust"
  12. "Cookies and Whiskey"
