Living Legends of Aviation

The Living Legends of Aviation is an award honoring achievements in the aerospace industry, bestowed by the 117 current title holders and owned and produced by the Kiddie Hawk Air Academy, a non-profit 501. The Living Legends have all made significant contributions to many areas of aviation including: innovators, record breakers, astronauts, aviation entrepreneurs, industry leaders and celebrity pilots.
The 17th Living Legends of Aviation Awards, honoring the best in aviation for 2019, were presented on January 16, 2020, at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills, California, where they have been held annually since 2007.


Jerry Lips, publisher of Airport Journals, came up with the idea of the Living Legends of Aviation at the time of the death of Michael Chowdry. Airport Journals had been collecting and publishing biographies of various aviation personalities and Jerry regretted not having captured Chowdry's history. He began to compile a list of individuals that had made major contributions in the field of aviation, and had those people suggest more names until 70 were collected. These were the biographies that were to be recorded while the individuals were still "living". The list has grown over the years to its present number of 117. As Legends pass on, they are replaced by new inductees, selected by their fellow Legends.
Jerry Lips founded the Living Legends of Aviation in 2003 with the charter of celebrating the second century of aerospace. In 2008, Kiddie Hawk Air Academy acquired the rights to the organization and annual awards show from previous owner Airport Journals.

Current inductees

Past inductees


Beginning in 2003, an awards show has been organized each year to bring together the Living Legend members for a variety of events. The awards are presented at a prestigious live ceremony, most commonly in mid January following the relevant calendar year.
In 2003, the first Living Legends of Aviation Awards were presented at a banquet dinner hosted by Airport Journals at the Centennial Airport in Englewood, Colorado. To avoid any weather related issues, in 2006 the venue was moved to Southern California and held at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza hotel in Los Angeles. Since 2007 the Awards have been presented at The Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills, California.
In 2018 the inaugural Living Legends of Aviation - Europe event was held on July 26, 2018 at the Scalaria hotel & resort in Salzkammergut, Austria.

List of winners

2003Charles Gates
2004Clay Lacy
2005Steven Udvar-Hazy
2006Al Ueltschi
2007James D. Raisbeck
2008Sir Richard Branson
2009Joe Clark
2010Delford Smith
2011J Robert Duncan
2012David Neeleman
2013Frederick Smith
2014Herb Kelleher
2016Kenn Ricci
2018Jeff Bezos
2019Charles Gordon-Lennox, 11th Duke of Richmond
2019Dr S. Harry Robertson

2003Rick Adam
2004Joe Clark
2005Vern Raburn
2006Dale & Alan Klapmeier
2007HH Sheik Al Maktoum
2008Linden Blue
2009Elon Musk
2010Lynn Tilton
2011Eren & Fatih Ozmen
2012John Uczekaj
2015Thomas Flohr
2017Tyson Weihs & Jason Miller
2018Ivo Boscarol
2019Kenny Dichter

2006Bob Hoover
2007Forrest Bird & George McGovern
2008Emily Howell Warner & Zoe Dell Nutter
2009Kermit Weeks
2010Doolittle Raiders & Sam Johnson
2011Burt Rutan
2012Neil Armstrong & Eugene Cernan
2013Patrick Brady
2016Clay Lacy
2018Walter Eichhorn

2007John Travolta

2007Pete Bunce
2008Ed Bolen
2009Preston Henne
2010Mark Van Tine
2014Michimasa Fujino
2016Phebe Novakovic
2018Brian Barents

2008Si Robin

2008Harrison Ford
2009Jeffrey Puckett
2010Pat Epps
2011Richard Sugden
2012Greg Anderson
2013Marilyn Richwine & Rhonda Fullerton
2014Mark Baker
2015Scott Terry
2016Peter Paul Luce
2017Jim Inhofe
2018Sean Tucker

2017 Gen. Jack Dailey

2008William Anders

2008Paul "Max" Moga

2009Kurt Russell

2009Tom Cruise
2010Sean Tucker
2011Morgan Freeman
2012David Ellison
2014Angelina Jolie
2015Miles O'Brien
2016Mark & Scott Kelly

2017Frank Franke

2009Buzz Aldrin

2010James Lovell

2010Frank D. Robinson

2011Boeing 787 Dreamteam

2012Roy Morgan
2013Jack Erickson
2014Elling Halvorson
2015William "Bill" Chiles
2016Steven Hickok
2017Mike Silva
2019Sergei Sikorsky

2012James Albaugh
2013Bruce N. Whitman
2015Ray Conner
2017David Joyce
2018Jean Rosanvallon

2018Jeff Bezos
2019Capt. James Lovell

2015Dick Cole & David Thatcher

2015Col. Gail Halvorsen

2018Eren & Fatih Ozmen

2018Leigh Clifford

2018Stefan Aust
2019Claus & Gunnar Heinemann
2019Thomas Schrade

2018Dick DeVos

2018Jim Payne

2018Bertrand Piccard

2019Robert Machtlinger & Hu Huazhi

2019Alan Eustace