Ljubomir Pavićević Fis

Ljubomir Pavićević - Fis was a Serbian designer, graphic and industrial designer since 1953. According to the Belgrade Museum of Applied Arts, he is Serbia's oldest and most well-known designer.


Fis worked for numerous Yugoslav and foreign factories, firms and institutions, and his projects are realized in hundreds of thousands copies. One of his noted designs was emblem for the Unispace 82 UN conference.
He was one of founders, professor, head of the Packaging department and President of the Experts Consortium of the Belgrade School of Design, and guest professor at Faculty of Applied Arts.
Fis is a member of "The Applied Artists and Designers Association of Serbia" since its establishment in 1953, and was also a member of several international professional associations.
He participated at International Symposium of Packaging Design held in Zagreb 1962., at Congress of ICSID in Spain 1971, as well as at the great number of professional meetings and magazines in Yugoslavia.
He was member of juries oat at BIO 3rd International Biennal of Industrial Design in Ljubljana 1968, Octobar Salon i Belgrade and many other.
Pavićević Fis was part of the Artistic Council of ULUPUDS, and its Representative in various governmental and cultural institutions of Yugoslavia.
Mr. Fis have realised total designs for numerous Yugoslav appearances at international economic fairs and cultural manifestations in: Munich, Düsseldorf, Berlin, Frankfurt, Hannover, Paris, Oslo, Bruxelles, Milano, Poznan, Plovdiv, Salonika, Tel Aviv, Mexico City, Panama City, Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore, Jakarta, Kuwait, Tehran, New Delhi, Kiev, Moscow, Aschabad, Tashkent, Maputo, Duala and Addis Ababa.


Solo exhibitions:
Twenty-seven First Prizes on Competitions for Industrial and Graphic Design