Local blood flow regulation

Acute local blood flow regulation refers to intrinsic regulation, or control, of arterial vascular tone at a local level, meaning within a certain tissue type, organ, or organ system. This intrinsic type of control means that the blood vessels can automatically adjust their own vascular tone, by dilating or constricting, in response to some change in the environment. This change occurs in order to match up the tissue's oxygen demand with the actual oxygen supply available in the blood as closely as possible. For example, if a muscle is actively being utilized it will require more oxygen than if it was at rest, so the blood vessels supplying that muscle will vasodilate, or widen in size, to increase the amount of blood, and therefore oxygen, being delivered to that muscle.
There are several mechanisms by which vascular tone, and therefore blood flow, is controlled. The sympathetic nervous system and a variety of hormones, for instance, both exert some degree of control over vascular tone. However, the local intrinsic regulatory system described here is completely independent of these other mechanisms. Many organs or organ systems have their own unique mechanism of local blood flow regulation, as explained below.

Individual Mechanisms

There are two major means of local regulation of blood flow, which are described below.
  1. Metabolic control, which consists of metabolites and paracrine agents released from surrounding tissue that act on the blood vessel. For example, as tissue metabolism increases, driving up oxygen demand, the amount of available oxygen decreases, driving down the pH and triggering a release in adenosine, which triggers the blood vessel to vasodilate.
  2. Myogenic control, which originates from the wall of the blood vessel itself and consists of both muscle reflexes and products released from endothelial cells that line the vessel. These endothelial products include nitric oxide and endothelin-1 that are released in response to either chemical stimuli, like histamine, or increased shear stress on the blood vessel. While nitric oxide causes vasodilation, endothelin-1 causes vasoconstriction.

    Examples of local blood flow regulation

Below are several examples of differing types of local blood flow regulation by specific organ type or organ system. In each case, there is a specific type of intrinsic regulation occurring in order to maintain or alter blood flow to that given organ alone, instead of creating a systemic change that would affect the entire body.