Lockheed Martin Stalker

The Stalker was a hand-launched, electrically powered unmanned aerial vehicle developed by Lockheed Martin Skunk Works for an unspecified customer, presumably United States Special Operations Command.. It was used for military applications, such as providing intelligence, surveillance, and target acquisition.

Design and development

The Lockheed Martin Stalker was created in 2006 by the same Skunk Works team responsible for the Desert Hawk. It was hand launched and belly landed, had a quiet electric motor and propeller, and carried a detachable camera payload. The camera system had modules for daylight, low light, and infrared. The camera system could be removed and replaced with droppable payloads.
The Stalker used a self-sustaining propane-fueled tubular solid oxide fuel cell system developed by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory.

Specifications (Stalker)