Long Pasia

Long Pasia is a village in the district of Sipitang, Sabah. Long Pasia is a home town of Lun Bawang/Lun Dayeh tribes and has a population of about 1 000 people. It is located about 300 kilometres southwest of Kota Kinabalu.
Located at 1,000m above sea level on the Maligan Highlands, it is adjacent to Payeh Maga.
Key economic activities are paddy planting and ecotourism. It is renowned for its diversity of orchid species, as well as pitcher plants which can be found in abundance in Long Pa' Sia' Kerangas Park and in forests around Ulu Padas river. It is also home to the Black Oriole, an endemic bird of Borneo.
There are Several natural forest areas have been earmarked as potential areas to be developed as ecotourism attraction such as:-