Longspine snipefish

The longspine snipefish, bellowfish, common bellowsfish, snipe-fish, snipefish, spine trumpet fish, or trumpetfish, Macroramphosus scolopax, is a snipefish of the genus Macroramphosus. It is also known as the slender snipefish off the South African coast.


This fish is found worldwide in tropical to subtropical water in the Atlantic, Indian, and west Pacific Oceans, at depths of.


Longspine snipefish are reddish pink dorsally but have silvery bellies. They have a large eye, long snouts and a slender spine protruding dorsally.


The longspine snipefish feeds on crustacean zooplankton such as copepods and ostracods, as well as benthic invertebrates.
In the month-long NORFANZ Expedition of 2003 which examined the biodiversity of the seamounts and slopes of the Norfolk Ridge, 5000 specimens averaging were collected from three locations.