Loop (2020 film)

Loop is a 2020 American animated short film directed and written by Erica Milsom with the story being written by Adam Burke, Matthias De Clercq and Milsom, produced by Pixar Animation Studios, and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. It is the sixth short film in Pixar's "SparkShorts" program and focuses on a chatty boy and a non-verbal girl, learning to understand each other. The short was released on Disney+ on January 10, 2020.


Renee, a 13-year-old non-verbal girl, sits patiently in a canoe waiting for a partner while playing with a sound app on her phone. Marcus arrives late and is forced by the camp counselor to partner with her, much to his annoyance. Marcus attempts to speak with Renee, who only mutters and makes noises to voice her pleasure or displeasure at something. When Marcus attempts to show off his paddling skills, Renee begins to moan. Marcus asks Renee to tell him what she wants and she responds by showing a poop emoji on her phone and signaling to a couple of outhouses. Marcus obliges and paddles her to land.
When they pass by some reeds, Renee seems to completely forget about her bathroom needs and instead wants to have her arms brush through the reeds. She has Marcus paddle through multiple times. When Marcus tries to do the same thing, Renee suddenly goes back to her phone. Marcus paddles them to a sewer tunnel and has Renee play her phone so that the sound can reverberate. She seems to enjoy it at first, but suddenly becomes overwhelmed by the sound and forces them out onto land. She angrily tosses her phone into the lake and hides under the canoe while Marcus watches the choas unfold in bewilderment.
Eventually, Marcus pulls up a reed and sits by the canoe until Renee calms down. She sits up and takes the reed where she begins to giggle and the two repeat the sound that the phone made together. Marcus and Renee get back into the canoe and paddle back to the camp. In a post-credits scene, Renee's phone is resting in a glass of dry rice and receives a message from Marcus asking if she wants to go out canoeing. Renee's mother calls for her as she excitedly vocalizes.


Loop was directed and written by Erica Milsom, from a story by Adam Burke and Matthias De Clercq. Michael Warch and Krissy Cababa produced the short.


composed the music for Loop. The score was released on February 28, 2020.

Track listing


Loop was released on Disney+ on January 10, 2020.