Lord Cromwell Plays Suite For Seven Vices

Lord Cromwell Plays Suite For Seven Vices is the second studio album by the Italian progressive rock band Opus Avantra, released in 1975.
It's a concept album about the seven deadly sins with the addition of an eighth "vice" autobiographical, the search for a solution of irreconcilable opposites.
The work was composed entirely of Alfredo Tisocco and interpreted by the artist himself, assisted by an ensemble of six elements plus four voices. What emerges is the extraordinary Tisocco's ability to explore the most remote recesses of the keyboard, with solutions ranging avantgarde and tradition as well as the name of the band suggests.

Track listing

  1. Flowers on Pride - 5:29
  2. Avarice - 5:27
  3. Lust - 3:54
  4. My Vice - 2:00
  5. Ira - 7:53
  6. Gluttony - 3:05
  7. Envy - 5:45
  8. Sloth - 4:32
  9. Allemanda - 3:03