Lorelei (Mutate)

Lorelei is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character's first appearance was in X-Men #63.

Publication history

Lorelei first appeared in X-Men vol. 1 #63, and was created by Roy Thomas and Neal Adams.
The character subsequently appears in Avengers vol. 1 #105, Defenders vol. 1 #15-16, Uncanny X-Men #104, Champions #17, Super-Villain Team-Up #14, Marvel Fanfare vol. 1 #1-4, Captain America #415-417, X-Men: The Hidden Years #4, Cable & Deadpool #49, and Marvel Comics Presents #6-7.
Lorelei appeared as part of the "Savage Land Mutates" entry in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #11.

Fictional character biography

Lorelei is a Savage Land native until Magneto turns her into a mutated siren, whose voice can put men into a hypnotic trance, and she is placed in his Savage Land Mutates group. However, the machine that Magneto had used to empower his Savage Land creations is eventually destroyed. As a result, Lorelei lost her siren powers.
Some time later, she was seen with her powers somehow restored. She made a further appearance with the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.
Years later, Lorelei was seen allied with the High Technician in the Savage Land. She battled Captain America and attempted to hypnotize the Falcon, but was quickly defeated by Diamondback.
Much later, she manipulated Ka-Zar to battle Deadpool. This was part of a mission to expand the dominion of the Savage Land. She uses many of the Land's inhabitants. Deadpool shoots her prehistoric ride and leaves her falling towards a group of dinosaurs. She survives this incident.
Lorelei helps chase out invading mercenaries.

Powers and abilities

Lorelei can hypnotically paralyze men by singing, or manipulate them and place them under her control. Lorelei could also use her hair to immobilize her opponents, however this power was stripped when her hair was cut by a mercenary.

Other versions

Ultimate Marvel

Lorelei has appeared in the Ultimate universe as a member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. She hypnotized Thor into attacking Valkyrie.
She later passes herself off as the mother of the delusional terrorist Multiple Man; both are working for Magneto. The two are killed by Wolverine in the Savage Land during Ultimatum.