Lori Nelson Spielman

Lori Nelson Spielman is an American author, mostly known for her Best Seller The Life List, published by Bantam Books/Random House in July 2013 and translated into 27 languages in 30 countries. As of December 2018 two more of her books were published - Sweet Forgiveness and Quote Me.


Spielman was born in 1961, in Lansing, Michigan, the fourth child of a Catholic working-class couple - Franc and Joan Nelson - and the first of them to attend university. After graduating, she became a speech pathologist and then a homebound teacher, teaching mentally or physically ill students in their homes or at the hospital. Her first book heroine's profession is exactly that - homebound teacher.
Spielman started writing only after reaching 48 years old. It was in October 2009 that she has started the first draft for her first book The Life List; four years later it was published. In the midst of the book promotion, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. After two surgeries, she was told that she is cancer-free. As of 2015, having written and published her second novel, "Sweet Forgiveness", she has retired from teaching and became a full-time writer.
Nelson Spielman lives in East Lansing with her husband Bill Spielman. She has no children.