Louis Camille Maillard

Louis Camille Maillard was a French physician and chemist.

Early days

Maillard obtained his Masters of Science in Nancy in 1897 and his Doctor of Medicine in 1903. He then worked in the Chemical Division of the School of Medicine at the University of Nancy. In 1914, he moved to Paris where he worked as head of the biological group in the Chemical Laboratory at the University of Paris. In 1919 he was appointed as a professor of biological and medical chemistry at the University of Algiers Division of Pharmacy, Academy of Medicine.

Scientific contributions

In Paris, his work on physiology, in particular the metabolism of urea and kidney illnesses, led him to introduce new theories about "urogenic imperfection" and the concept of the "coefficient of Maillard" or "index of ureogenic imperfection." His ideas proved very useful in the diagnosis of kidney disorders. In 1912, he undertook studies of the reaction between amino acids and sugars. This work is considered one of his major contributions, and the Maillard reaction was named after him. For this variety of work he received several awards including the French Academy of Medicine award in 1914.

Final years

Maillard enrolled in the French army during the First World War, but his health was adversely affected. After the war, Maillard abruptly left Paris in 1919 to occupy a position with the Department of Pharmacy at the Faculty of Medicine Sciences in Algiers. During this time, he ceased practically all research.
He died suddenly on May 12, 1936 in Paris, while judging a competition for a fellowship.


Maillard was named a Chevalier of the Legion of Honour on July 30, 1916 by the Minister of War. At the time, he was a Physician Major, First Class, in the Reserve of the 11th Army Corps Health Service. This provisional title was removed on December 24, 1920 by the General Treasury of Algiers, in exchange for a final pension savings booklet.