Louis Lee

Louis Lee is a Taiwanese physicist.

Academic career

Lee earned a bachelor's degree in physics from National Taiwan University in 1969, and obtained a master's and doctorate in the subject from the California Institute of Technology, ending his studies in 1975. Lee then worked at the Goddard Space Flight Center and taught at the University of Maryland before joining the University of Alaska faculty. Lee returned to Taiwan and began teaching at National Cheng Kung University in 1995. Lee is a member of the Academia Sinica. He has served as the director of the National Applied Research Laboratories and the National Space Program Office. As leader of the NSPO, Lee presided over the launch of the satellite ROCSAT-2 and the development of ROCSAT-3. Lee also helped conduct research on thunderclouds and the ionosphere. He later became president of National Central University and was named minister of the National Science Council in April 2008. Lee was replaced by Cyrus Chu in February 2011.