Louis Marriott

Louis Marriott was a Jamaican actor, director, writer, broadcaster, the executive officer of the Michael Manley Foundation, and member of the Performing Right Society, Jamaica Federation of Musicians, and founding member of the Jamaica Association of Dramatic Artists.
Marriott was born on the Old Pound Road, Saint Andrew, Jamaica, the son of Egbert Marriott and Edna Irene Thompson-Marriott. He was educated at Jamaica College. He died in Kingston at the age of 81 on 1 August 2016.


Marriott wrote and directed for stage, and acted
Marriott wrote several books including:
Marriott authored syndicated articles appearing in some 200 English-language newspapers and magazines throughout the world. He was a regular guest writer in several Jamaican newspaper publications. He wrote and produced numerous radio and television plays and documentary broadcast programmes and films in both Jamaica and Britain. He wrote The University of Brixton radio drama series for BBC English Radio 1970–71. He wrote several public education radio series for the CFNI during his freelance years.
