Louise Anne Bouchard

Louise Anne Bouchard is a writer, of Canadian and Swiss citizenship.

Youth and literary beginnings

Louise Anne Bouchard began writing at the age of twelve.
First a photographer by training, she studied literature at the Université du Québec à Montréal. Her meeting with her professor of foreign literature, Eva Le Grand, was decisive in her beginnings as a writer. She paid tribute to her in Montréal privé, éditions Jacques Lanctôt,.
The writer decided to take a sabbatical year to write her first novel, Cette fois, Jeanne... which received a favorable reception of the Quebec press. She was then recruited to work on screenwriting, short films and a TV movie. The Prix de la Relève 16/26 for the screenwriting of Alice au Pays des Merguez, gave her access to several television projects as a screenwriter.
She has been living in Switzerland since 1991.
A native French speaker, Louise Anne Bouchard speaks also English, German and Italian.
