Love Among the Ruins (film)

Love Among the Ruins is a 1975 American made-for-television romantic comedy film directed by George Cukor and starring Katharine Hepburn and Laurence Olivier which premiered on ABC on March 6, 1975.


The story is set in 1911, at the end of the Edwardian period. Jessica Medlicott is an aging grande dame, formerly an actress of the London theatre, accused of having met, courted, promised marriage to, and then jilted and abandoned her suitor. The much-younger ex-fiancé then files suit, seeking £50,000 in damages for the breach of promise by her. She retains the greatest barrister in the empire, Sir Arthur Granville-Jones, to defend her. He is incidentally also a man she seduced and abandoned 40 years earlier, but who has remained hopelessly in love with her ever since.
