Love Junkies

Love Junkies is a Japanese erotic comedy manga series written and illustrated by Kyo Hatsuki. It was serialized in Akita Shoten's seinen manga magazine, Young Champion. The manga is licensed in France by Taifu Comics, in Spain by Norma Editorial and in Brazil by Editora JBC. All publishers other than Akita Shoten release the manga as Love Junkies.


Sakibara Eitaro is a 22-year-old average level employee who has been a virgin till the beginning of the story. So far he has no luck in having any affair with a woman. Thus he is desperately trying to get laid- and that happens soon enough, with a beautiful and busty girl named Maiko.
After his dream is finally fulfilled, Eitaro's relationship with girls change suddenly: he starts feeling more secure of himself and sex, and meets many girls, though a series of humorous as well as tense events which intertwine as each chapter progresses. Three of these girls will have a very important part on his life and his love adventures revolve around those and other women he happens to encounter, mostly during unexpected turns of events.