Lower Duck Pond

Lower Duck Pond is a fictional town that has its origins in the Reddit forum /r/HaveWeMet. It was created by user Devuluh in 2017, who plays Dave Miller, the head of the fictional town council. It was the topic of several major news stories in 2019 about the online community built around a role-playing game dynamic. It has been described as a "massive exercise in improvisation" where users feed off each other's stories, and it used to include a daily fictional weather report and a Town Council where users can chat about the community. Some of the jokes in the town include the local delicacy of "hot dog water" and that some former mayors are an alpaca named Ulysses and a moose named Bruce. As of May 2020, the Mayor is an elderly man named Jim.
The subreddit also includes daily transcriptions of a fictional local radio station, The Stream 94.5.
A discussion forum called /r/HaveWeMeta was created to discussion out-of-character issues.