Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge
The Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge is a National Wildlife Refuge located in the Lower Rio Grande Valley region of southern Texas.
It is along the northern banks and reaches of the Lower Rio Grande, north of the Mexico—United States international border.Ecology
Only 5% of the native riparian, floodplain, and wetland habitats remain along the lower Rio Grande and its local tributaries. However, the diversity within these fragments adds up to a significant 1,200 species of native plants, 700 species of vertebrates, and 300 species of butterflies. Eleven different biological communities exist on the National Wildlife Refuge, from the Chihuahuan Desert thorn forest to tidal wetlands.
Wildlife include the rare ocelot, northern caracara, Mexican bluewing butterfly, great kiskadee, red-billed pigeon, Altamira oriole, ringed kingfisher and green jay.
The refuge is designated as part of the Great Texas Coastal Birding Trail, a network of wildlife viewing sites throughout the Texas coastal regions.