Lucky (Indian TV series)

Lucky is an Indian television fantasy-drama series that aired on Star Plus from 4 November 2006 to 11 August 2007. The show is about a man named Lucky played by actor Gautam Rode and was produced by Sagar Arts Productions of Ramanand Sagar and directed by Nisser Parvej. It used to air every Saturday at 8 P.M.
He runs a fake antique store. One day he finds out he is the fifth Rakshak. After that incident in every episode he goes on an adventure to save antiques with the help of Inder Mohan Sharma, Acharya Joshi, and Captain Paswan.
The show had hour-long episodes with each episode featuring different adventures of Lucky. It had Gautam Rode, Anang Desai and Navni Parihar playing regular roles. Amit Behl and Mouli Ganguly have also made episodic appearances in the show.
