Luis G. Pedraja is a theologian, philosopher, author, scholar and educator. Pedraja is an influential contributor to the development of Latino/a theology. He is also noted for his work in process philosophy and postmodernism, as well as his work in higher education.
Pedraja is primarily noted for his work in Latino/a theology, where he focuses on how language and culture affect not only the Latino/a worldview, but also everyone's religious and philosophical perspectives. This is particularly evident in his Christology, where he explores the complexity of language, culture, and identity to inform his understanding of Jesus as one who stands with the oppressed. In terms of cultural identity, Pedraja marks a shift in Latino/a theology from ethnocentrism, an effort to assert the significance of one's identity, to transculturalism, which uses identity and culture to promote intercultural dialogue and understanding. His work also proposes using Mestizaje as a way of understanding the question of Jesus' humanity and divinity. In his first book, Jesus is my Uncle, Pedraja also introduces the concept of "ontopraxis," arguing that being and action are interconnected. Pedraja's scholarship has also focused on process philosophy, particularly focusing on the writings of Alfred North Whitehead, postmodernism, and theodicy. Recently, he has also worked on higher education policies and practices, particularly in the areas of governance, international quality assurance initiatives, strategic planning, and assessment.
Jesus is My Uncle: Christology from a Hispanic Perspective, 1999.
Editor and contributor
Más Voces: Reflexiones teológicas de la Iglesia Hispana, Editor,2001.
Diccionario Ilustrado de Interpretes de la Fe,Associate Editor and Contributor, Justo González, General Editor, 2004.
Contributions to multi-author works
"Alfred North Whitehead," chapter in Beyond the Pale: Reading Theology from the Margins, Miguel A. De La Torre and Stacey M. Floyd-Thomas, Editors, 2011.
"Apuntes," "Christology," and "Testimony," in The Encyclopedia of Hispanic Religious Culture, Miguel A. De La Torre, Editor, 2009.
"Eschatology," in Handbook of Latino/a Theologies, Edwin David Aponte and Miguel A. De La Torre, Editors, 2006.
"Doing Theology in Spanish: Hispanic Theological Methodology, Dialogue, and Rationality," in Hispanic Christian Thought at the Dawn of the 21st Century: Apuntes in Honor of Justo L. Gonzalez, Alvin Padilla, Roberto Goizueta, Eldin Villafañe, Editors, 2005.
"Trinity," in U.S. Theologies of Liberation, Miguel A. De La Torre, Editor, 2004.
"Latino/a Theology," in A New Handbook of Theology, Donald Musser and Joseph Price, Editors, 2003.
"Whitehead, Deconstruction, and Postmodernism," in Hermeneutics and Difference, Catherine Keller and Anne Daniell, Editors, 2002.
"In the Face of Evil: Understanding Evil in the Aftermath of Terror," in Strike Terror No More: Theology, Ethics, and the New War, Jon L. Berquist, Editor, 2002.
"Building Bridges between Communities of Struggle," in The Ties That Bind: African-American and Hispanic-American/Latino Theology in the United States Anthony Pinn and Benjamin Valentin, Editors, 2001.
"Guideposts Along the Journey: Mapping North American Hispanic Theology," in Protestantes/Protestants: Hispanic Christianity within Mainline Traditions, David Maldonado, Jr., Editor, 1999.