Luke 22

Luke 22 is the twenty-second chapter of the Gospel of Luke in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. It commences in the days just before the Passover or Feast of Unleavened Bread, and records the plot to kill Jesus Christ, the institution of the Lord's Supper, Jesus' arrest and his trial before the Sanhedrin. The book containing this chapter is anonymous, but early Christian tradition uniformly affirmed that Luke composed this Gospel as well as the Acts of the Apostles.


The original text was written in Koine Greek. This chapter is divided into 71 verses. It is the second longest chapter in the gospel in terms of the number of verses.

Textual witnesses

Some early manuscripts containing the text of this chapter are:

Verses 1-6

describes the plot to kill Jesus, by the chief priests and scribes, in collaboration with Judas Iscariot. Also depicted in Mark 14:1–2, 10–11, Matthew 26#Prologue to the passion narrative |14–16, and John 11:45-57.

Verses 7-13

describes how Jesus sent Peter and John to prepare a place for their taking of a Passover meal. This preparation is also depicted in Mark 14:12–16 and Matthew 26:17-25. Luke's is the only account which names the apostles.

Verses 14-38

has been described as "Jesus' farewell address", modeled after other farewell addresses in the Greco-Roman and biblical traditions. Jesus declares to his apostles that "with fervent desire" he has longed to celebrate this Passover with them. Pope Gregory X used these words as his text at the Second Council of Lyons in 1274, in his sermon on the unity of the churches.

Verses 40-42

The words reflect Jesus' previous instructions to his disciples on how to pray, although the words "thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven" do not appear in the earliest-known versions of Luke's Lord's Prayer. The Pulpit Commentary suggests that "the temptation in question was the grave sin of moral cowardice into which so soon the disciples fell".

Verses 43-44

The authenticity of has been disputed by scholars since the second half of the 19th century. The verses are placed in double brackets in modern editions of the Greek text, and listed in a footnote in the Revised Standard Version.

Verse 70

The New King James Version adds "rightly":
Similarly, J. B. Phillips translates as:
The Pulpit Commentary describes the style here as rabbinic: "by such an answer, the one interrogated accepts as his own affirmation the question put to him in its entirety."