
Lumberjanes is a comic book series created by Shannon Watters, Grace Ellis, Brooklyn A. Allen and Noelle Stevenson and published via the Boom Box! imprint of Boom! Studios. The story follows a group of girls named Mal, Ripley, Molly, April, and Jo spending summer at a scout camp, and the strange creatures and supernatural phenomena they encounter there. Originally planned as an eight-part series, the comic was made an ongoing series following strong sales and critical acclaim.

Publication history

Lumberjanes came about as the result of Boom! Studios editor Shannon Watters approaching writer Grace Ellis in the hopes of creating a girl-centric comic series. After settling on a story set at a summer camp, the pair brought in Brooklyn A. Allen for initial character designs and Noelle Stevenson as a co-writer. The series would be the second published on Boom! Studios' Boom! Box imprint, which aimed to feature experimental, creator-driven work by writers and artists from outside the mainstream comics industry. A single eight-issue story arc was originally planned, but shortly after the release of the second issue, Boom! Studios announced that Lumberjanes would become an ongoing series. The Lumberjanes characters were featured in a six-part crossover with DC's Gotham Academy in June 2016.


The story is set in and around Miss Qiunzella Thiskwin Penniquiqul Thistle Crumpet's Camp for Hardcore Lady Types, a summer camp whose attendees are known as Lumberjane Scouts. The five scouts of the Roanoke cabin—Jo, April, Molly, Mal and Ripley—witness a mysterious old woman transforming into a bear, and after following her into the woods, encounter a hostile pack of three-eyed supernatural foxes. As more three-eyed creatures start to appear, the girls task themselves with solving the mysteries surrounding the camp.
Over the course of the story, characters earn or refer to various Lumberjane scout badges. The characters frequently invoke the names of notable female pioneers, with phrases such as "Oh my Bessie Coleman" and "What the Joan Jett?" Each issue ends with a track listing for a mixtape prepared by one of the characters.




Author Mariko Tamaki and artist Brooklyn Allen expanded the series into a four-book series of middle-grade novels:
Lumberjanes launched to positive reviews. Many reviewers commented on the importance of the comic as an all-ages, female-led and female-authored title. Alison Berry of Comicosity said that "Lumberjanes is the book that so many have asked for, both accessible and girl friendly without sacrificing entertainment value for the older set... Girls doing for girls is important in comics especially, because it is traditionally dominated by male characters and creators."
The series has a rapidly growing fanbase, and at the Staple Comic Con in Austin Texas on March 7, 2015, the regular artist of the series, Brooklyn Allen, said that the official name for fans of the series is "Lumber Jumbies" and that he hopes the fans take to this name. The name “Lumber Jumbies” was posed by 2 fans in a Q&A panel on that same date.

Awards and nominations

In 2015, Lumberjanes was nominated and won two Eisner Awards, for Best New Series and Best Publication for Teens; In 2015, it was also nominated for the GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding Comic Book. It was nominated for the GLAAD Outstanding Comic Book in 2018 and 2019.

Cancelled Film adaptation

As of May 2015, 20th Century Fox was working on a live-action adaptation. In August 2016, Emily Carmichael was announced to direct the film. In August 2019, the film was reportedly canceled by Disney after its acquisition of 21st Century Fox.