Lupin (Philippine TV series)

Lupin is a 2007 Philippine television drama action series broadcast by GMA Network. The series is loosely based on a French fictional crime novels featuring the Arsène Lupin by Maurice Leblanc. It premiered on April 9, 2007 on the network's Telebabad line up. The series concluded on August 17, 2007 with a total of 95 episodes.
The series was released in DVD by GMA Records.


Created by Maurice Leblanc, Arsène Lupin first appeared in a series of short stories serialized in 1905 and published in book form as Arsène Lupin, gentleman-cambrioleur in 1907.
Born in the late 19th century, Lupin is a gentleman thief, a master of disguise, and an amateur detective. While operating on the wrong side of the law, he is still a force for good. Those whom Lupin defeats are worse villains than he. Other characters in the stories include Lupin's faithful accomplice Grognard and his lawman adversary Inspector Justin Ganimard. In some stories Lupin faces Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes.
The Lupin stories have been adapted for television, cinema, and comics.

Cast and characters

;Main cast
;Guest cast