Móveis Coloniais de Acaju

Móveis Coloniais de Acaju are a Brazilian-based band comprising ten members such as singer André Gonzáles, keyboardist Eduardo Borém, and bassist Fabio Pedroza. The band's name literally translated means "colonial mahogany wood-made furniture".

The Acaju Rebellion

According to Fabrício Ofuji, the name of the band is an homage to a fictitious rebellion that supposedly happen when English troops invaded Bananal Island, in the Northern Region of Brazil.
English troops invaded and settled down on the Island, where they started making furniture out of Cedrela odorata, commonly known as “Acaju”. When the Portuguese discovered the invasion, they gathered slaves, indigenous and other Portuguese to kick out the invaders.
The Portuguese forces are successful, and decide to burn the colonial furniture that belonged to the invaders as a celebration of their victory.

