The M58 Mine Clearing Line Charge is a rocket-projected explosive line charge which provides a "close-in" demining capability for maneuver forces of the United States Army and Marine Corps. It is effective against conventionally fuzed land mines and, when detonated, it provides a lane 8 meters by 100 meters. The MICLIC system consists of an M353 3½ ton or M200A1 2½ ton trailer chassis, a launcher assembly, an M147 firing kit, an M58A3 line charge and a 5-inch MK22 Mod 4 rocket. The line charge is 350 feet long and contains 5 pounds per linear foot of C-4 explosive. In the event a MICLIC fails to detonate normally, it can be manually activated by time-delay fuses every few feet along the length of it. The M147 Firing Kit can also be employed from other combat engineer vehicles, namely the M60AVLB and the M1150 Assault Breacher Vehicle.