A simple "Hello, world!" program in MACRO-10 assembler, to run under TOPS-10, adapted from a specimen in a large collection of "Hello World" programs in various languages: TITLEHELLO WORLD ; 'Hello world' in MACRO-10 for TOPS-10 SEARCH UUOSYM ; Make UUO symbol names available LAB: ASCIZ /Hello, world! / ; NUL-terminated ASCII string with CRLF START: RESET ; Initialise job to clean runtime state OUTPUT: OUTSTR LAB ; Output string starting at LAB: MONRT. ; Return to monitor JRST OUTPUT ; Restart at OUTPUT: if user CONTINUEs job END START ; End assembly, set program start address
If this program is saved in the file HELLO.MAC, it can be assembled, linked and run like this : .COMPILE HELLO.MAC /DLIST MACRO: HELLO EXIT .LOAD HELLO LINK: Loading EXIT .SAVE HELLO saved .RUN Hello, world!
The assembly listing file generated by the /DLIST option to the COMPILE command: HELLO WORLD MACRO %53B 17:29 7-Apr-:9 Page 1 HELLO MAC 7-Apr-:9 17:29 TITLE HELLO WORLD ; 'Hello world' in MACRO-10 for TOPS-10 SEARCH UUOSYM ; Make UUO symbol names available 000000' 110 145 154 154 157 LAB: ASCIZ /Hello, world! 000001' 054 040 167 157 162 000002' 154 144 041 015 012 / ; NUL-terminated ASCII string with CRLF 000003' 000 000 000 000 000 000004' 047 00 0 00 000000 START: RESET ; Initialise job to clean runtime state 000005' 051 03 0 00 000000' OUTPUT: OUTSTR LAB ; Output string starting at LAB: 000006' 047 01 0 00 000012 MONRT. ; Return to monitor 000007' 254 00 0 00 000005' JRST OUTPUT ; Restart at OUTPUT: if user CONTINUEs job 000004' END START ; End assembly, set program start address NO ERRORS DETECTED PROGRAM BREAK IS 000010 CPU TIME USED 58:25.100 36P CORE USED HELLO WORLD MACRO %53B 17:29 7-Apr-:9 Page S-1 HELLO MAC 7-Apr-:9 17:29 SYMBOL TABLE LAB 000000' MONRT. 047040 000012 OUTPUT 000005' OUTSTR 051140 000000 RESET 047000 000000 START 000004'
The date ":9" is a Year 2000 problem. A more complex MACRO-10 example program, which renders one version of the 99 Bottles of Beer song, may be examined at the "99 Bottles of Beer" web site. For larger bodies of code, much of the MACRO-10 code for the TOPS-10 and TOPS-20 systems is available in the Trailing EdgePDP-10 tape archives.