MBF Bioscience

MBF Bioscience is a small company that develops software and hardware for bioscience research and biomedical applications. With the main office in Williston, Vermont, USA, the company markets, sells and supports its products from offices on three continents.


The company was founded as MicroBrightField, Inc. in 1988 by the father and son team of Dr. Edmund Glaser and Jack Glaser. Their goal was to develop neuroanatomical imaging software for the research community. The company changed its name to MBF Bioscience in 2004. It provides solutions for stereology, neuron reconstruction, microscopic and whole slide imaging, brain mapping, worm tracking. Specializing in neuroscience research, their products are used in a variety of fields including stem cell research, neuroanatomical studies, lung, kidney, reproductive, cardiac and toxicology research. Its original product Neurolucida has evolved into Neurolucida 360, a powerful system capable of automatically tracing neurons and detecting somas, dendritic spines and varicosities.


Neurolucida: software for 3D neuron tracing and analysis and 3D brain mapping.
Stereo Investigator is a system designed to conduct unbiased stereology studies.
Neurolucida 360 : software for 3D neuron reconstruction, and somas, varicosities, spines and synapses detection.
Biolucida is an image management system for sharing microscope images online.
WormLab is software that tracks and analyzes :es:Caenorhabditis elegans|C. elegans and other nematodes.
BrainMaker generates 3D high-resolution reconstructions from serial sections images.
Microlucida is used for image acquisition.
Lucivid is used in the case of retinal stimulation.
Densita allows researchers to analyze autoradiography and optical density.
Vesselucida: software for 3D microvascular tracing and analysis.
Vesselucida 360: Software that is designed for 3D microvascular reconstruction.
ClearScope: Light sheet theta microscope system that is designed to work with cleared tissue specimens.
TissueScope is a whole slide scanner created in collaboration with .
Vesalius is a resonant scanning laser confocal system that allows 2D and 3D imaging for mounted and cleared tissue specimens.