MM Shahin

MM Shahin is a Bangladeshi politician, businessman, journalist, and former parliamentarian. He was elected a member of parliament from the Maulvibazar-2 seat in the general elections of February 1996 and 2001.

Early life

MM Shahin was born on 1 August 1960 at Kulaura Upazila of Moulvibazar district. His father's name was Abdul Rab and his mother's name was Syeda Maheru Rob. Shahin went to West Germany first and then to the United States while studying at the Government Titumir College.

Political life

Shahin was elected a member of parliament from the Moulvibazar-2 seat in the elections of February 1996 and 2001. He was defeated by Nawab Ali Abbas Khan in the 2008 general election. On 15 November 2018, he joine the Bikalpa Dhara. He was defeated in the eleventh parliamentary elections of 2018.