MORE (application)

MORE is an outline processor application that was created for the Macintosh in 1986 by software developer Dave Winer and that was not ported to any other platforms. An earlier outliner, ThinkTank, was developed by Winer, his brother Peter, and Doug Baron. The outlines could be formatted with different layouts, colors, and shapes. Outline "nodes" could include pictures and graphics.
The company that made these products, Living Videotext, merged with Symantec in July 1987. Around July 1999, with Symantec's permission, Mr. Winer released versions of the ThinkTank and MORE products on a Web site for free download.


Functions in these outliners included:
  • Appending notes, comments, rough drafts of sentences and paragraphs under some topics
  • Assembling various low-level topics and creating a new topic to group them under
  • Deleting duplicate topics
  • Demoting a topic to become a subtopic under some other topic
  • Disassembling a grouping that does not work, parceling its subtopics out among various other topics
  • Dividing one topic into its component subtopics
  • Dragging to rearrange the order of topics
  • Making a hierarchical list of topics
  • Merging related topics
  • Promoting a subtopic to the level of a topic