MTs 30

The MTs 30 is a family of Soviet high-quality custom hunting combination guns.


The gun was designed by M. I. Skvortsov, A. P. Glinskiy and I. P. Korneychev in 1970s.
After tests and trials, in 1979, the first MTs 30-09 shotgun was shown at VDNKh exhibition in Moscow. It was produced by TsKIB SOO in small numbers.
In January 1979, the price of one custom MTs 30-09 gun was up to 2000 rubles.
On December 13, 1996, president of the Russian Federation B. N. Yeltsin signed the federal law № 150, which entered into force on July 1, 1997. In accordance with this law, possession of civilian firearms chambered for handgun ammunition was prohibited. As a result, since July 1, 1997, all MTs-30 guns chambered for handgun ammunition were banned on the territory of the Russian Federation and they had to be handed over to governmental law enforcement agencies for destruction.


MTs 30 is a hammerless combination gun, with one barrel under two other.
It is equipped with safety mechanism and ejector.
All guns have a walnut shoulder stock and fore-end, some of them were decorated with engravings.
MTs 30 can be equipped with optical sight.