MTs 7

The MTs 7 is a family of Soviet and Russian double-barreled high-quality custom hunting shotguns, combination guns and rifles.


The first version of MTs 7 was designed in late 1950s by TsKIB SOO as target rifle for competition shooting, although later it was redesigned and since 1960 it was sold as high-quality hunting weapon.
In December 1987, the price of one custom MTs7-20 shotgun was 1500 rubles, the price of one MTs7-12 shotgun was 1700 rubles, the price of one MTs7-07 or MTs7-09 rifle was 1800 rubles.
In 1990s it was announced that new MTs 7-17 combination gun will be made. However, due the economic crisis in Russian Federation production of all versions of MTs 7 was greatly reduced.


MTs 7 is an over and under hammerless gun, with one barrel above the other.
It is equipped with safety mechanism and ejector.
All guns have a walnut shoulder stock and fore-end, some of them were decorated with engravings.
MTs 7 hunting rifles and combination guns can be equipped with optical sight PO-4×34
