Maad Ndaah Njemeh Joof

Maad Ndaah Njemeh Joof is one of the patriarchs of the Joof family, himself the medieval King of Laah in Baol now part of independent Senegal. He ruled from the late 13th century to the early 14th century, c. 1290. His descendants from the branch of Maad Patar Kholleh Joof ruled the pre-colonial Kingdoms of Sine, Saloum and Baol, from the 14th century to 1969. The last king of Sine and Saloum died in 1969. After their deaths, the Serer States of Sine and Saloum were incorporated into independent Senegal. His descendants went on to found three :Category:Joof family|royal houses:
Maad Ndaah Njemeh is one of the most significant figures in :Category:Serer royalty|Serer and :Category:Senegambian royalty|Senegambian dynastic history. He stems from the royal line of Lamane Jegan Joof, the 11th century founder and King of Tukar.