MacArthur High School (Decatur, Illinois)

Douglas MacArthur High School is a public high school located in Decatur, Illinois. The school serves about 1,300 students from grades 9 to 12 in Decatur Public Schools District 61. As with crosstown rival Eisenhower High School, MacArthur is organized into communities that the students remain in for four years.


MacArthur High School was named after the American World War II general Douglas MacArthur, famous for his key involvement in the Pacific theater of the war. Correspondingly, the school's mascot is the generals.


The 2011 school enrollment was 1,226 students. The racial makeup of the school in 2011 was 42.7% White, 46.7% African American, 3.2% Multiracial, 1.3% Hispanic,.7% Asian, and.2% Native American. 57% of the student population are low income students.


In 2008, 36.8% of the student population met or exceeded in all subjects. The school did not make Adequate Yearly Progress as defined by federal and state laws in 2008. In 2008, the high school graduation rate was 92.3%, up from 76.6% in 2007. The dropout rate lowered from 10.8% in 2007 to 2.5% in 2008.


Football, Baseball, Softball, Basketball, Crossrunning, Wrestling, Track, Soccer, Tennis, Golf, Swimming, Volleyball and cheerleading.

Notable alumni