Macedonian Encyclopedia

The Macedonian Encyclopedia is the first scientific encyclopedia of North Macedonia. It was published by the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts. The encyclopedia was prepared by the Lexicographical Center with 260 associates involved in its preparation under the guidance of chief editor, Blaze Ristovski. The encyclopedia was printed in 2,000 copies, financially supported by the government of the Republic of Macedonia. About 300 copies are sold or given away. The remaining 1,700 copies have been withdrawn from sale. The Encyclopedia secretly circulated around the internet at the beginning, and can now be downloaded for free.
The Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts had been planned to be published in an expanded edition with more volumes which would cover areas that were not addressed in the two volume set and then be translated into English.


In the encyclopedia has about 9,000 entries that in true manner represent the Macedonian point of view from antiquity to new millennium. The Content of the can be found in the digital version on


At the launch of the Encyclopedia George Stardelov, president of the Academy stated: This is the first Macedonian encyclopedia free of foreign deposits and historical interpretations resulting from the principle of multiculturalism instead of ethnocentrism. It's not just an encyclopedia of the Macedonian people, but the Macedonian state.
The issuance of the encyclopaedia caused a storm of protest in terms of its content and its authors have been subjected to severe criticism.
After the withdrawal of this edition of the Macedonian Encyclopedia, the MANU announced a new edition of the encyclopedia, with editor Mitko Madzunkov, who emphasized the need to make a new expanded edition adding that the old one is completed, but that it has many errors, not only material but also factual errors in terms of whole regions and peoples regarding Albanians in the Macedonian culture at large, recalling that he had received an order from Parliament to make second expanded edition. Thus, as he said in his interview for Nova Makedonija, the first issue is to toss or recycle and change more milestones.