Madawaska Valley District High School

Madawaska Valley District High School is a public high school situated in the village of Barry's Bay, Ontario. It is managed by Renfrew County District School Board. The school was opened in 1967, and has been operating as the public high school for the area ever since. M.V.D.H.S. is one of few high schools in the area, and as of 2012, is attended by 419 students, offering classes for students in grades 9-12. Some of the faculty are M.V. Graduates.


The school colours are navy blue and yellow. The schools team name is "Wolves" and the new Mascot's name is "Waska".


Notable alumni of MVDHS include:
Madawaska Valley District High School offers many sports for its students, both male and female. Fall sports include girls rugby, girls basketball, boys volleyball and co-ed cross country. Winter sports include girls volleyball, boys basketball, and alpine skiing and hockey for both genders. Spring sports include girls soccer, boys soccer, tennis, golf, badminton, and track and field. In the past the Wolves have been known for excellence in volleyball, and this is clearly shown on the sports plaque in the school's gymnasium. The Men's soccer team was voted as the most fashionable in the entire UOVHSAA due largely to their adoption of 'jorts' and hawaiian shirts as warm-up uniforms.