A nine-term member of the Lok Sabha, Madhavrao Scindia never lost an election since 1971, when he won for the first time from Guna constituency at the age of 26. He contested the election on the ticket of Jan Sangh, a party that his family had long patronised. In the 1977 election after the emergency was lifted, he contested from Guna constituency as an Independent candidate and still won the seat a second time in spite of the wave in favour of Janata Party. In the 1980 election, he switched allegiance to Indian National Congress and won from Guna a third time. But in 1984, he was nominated as the Congress candidate from Gwalior in a last-minute manoeuvre to defeat the Bharatiya Janata Party's Atal Bihari Vajpayee, and won by a massive margin. After that Scindia contested from either Gwalior or Guna and won on each occasion.
Ministerial appointments
The 1984 election brought Scindia his first experience as a Minister. He made his mark as an excellent administrator during his stint as Railways Minister in the Rajiv Gandhi Ministry. Prime Ministers P. V. Narasimha Rao made him Minister for Civil Aviation. He faced a turbulent period of agitation by the staff of the domestic carrier, Indian Airlines, and as part of a strategy of disciplining the workforce he leased a number of aircraft from Russia. Early in 1992 one of these aircraft crashed, though without any loss of life, and Scindia promptly submitted his resignation. Although not known to be too finicky about such notions as ministerial accountability, the prime minister accepted his resignation. Scindia was later reinducted into the Cabinet in 1995 as Minister for Human Resource Development. Scindia is also credited with setting up the Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management at Gwalior as an institution of repute, which got renamed after Atal Bihari Vajpayee as ABV-IIITM.
Madhavrao Scindia died in a plane crash on the outskirts of Mainpuri district of Uttar Pradesh on 30 September 2001. All eight people on board the private plane died in the crash. This included his personal secretary Rupinder Singh, journalists Sanjeev Sinha, Anju Sharma, Gopal Bisht, Ranjan Jha, pilot Ray Gautam and co-pilot Ritu Malik. The autopsies were conducted and other legal formalities completed at AIIMS New Delhi by Professor T D Dogra. His son Jyotiraditya Madhavrao Scindia was symbolically appointed as the head of the family.
1945-1961- His Highness Yuvaraja Maharaj Shrimant Madhavrao Scindia Bahadur.
1961-1971- His HighnessAli Jah, Umdat ul-Umara, Hisam us-Sultanat, Mukhtar ul-Mulk, Azim ul-Iqtidar, Rafi-us-Shan, Wala Shikoh, Muhtasham-i-Dauran, Maharajadhiraj Maharaja Shrimant Madhav Rao III Scindia Bahadur, Shrinath, Mansur-i-Zaman, Maharaja Scindia of Gwalior.