
Magdala was an ancient city on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, north of Tiberias. In the Babylonian Talmud it is known as Magdala Nunayya, and which some historical geographers think may refer to Tarichaea, literally the place of processing fish. It is believed to be the birthplace of Mary Magdalene. Until the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, a small Palestinian Arab village, al-Majdal, stood at the site of ancient Magdala, while nowadays the modern Israeli municipality of Migdal extends to the area.
Archaeological excavations on behalf of the Israel Antiquities Authority conducted in 2006 found that the settlement began during the Hellenistic period and ended during the late Roman period. Later excavations in 2009–2013 brought perhaps the most important discovery in the site: an ancient synagogue, called the "Migdal Synagogue". It is the oldest synagogue found in the Galilee, and one of the only synagogues from that period found in the entire country, as of the time of the excavation. They also found the Magdala stone, which has a seven-branched menorah symbol carved on it. It is the earliest menorah of that period to be discovered outside of Jerusalem.
A collapse layer from the Second Temple period supported the narrative presented by Josephus regarding the Roman destruction of Magdala during the Great Revolt. Excavations show that after the destruction, during the Byzantine and Early Islamic periods, the city moved slightly to the north.


Roman period

writes of Magdala that, "it was the most important city on the western bank of the lake, contributing a wagon-load of taxes until Herod Antipas raised up a rival on the lake by building Tiberias." Magdala is also described as "the capital of a toparchy", and is compared to Sepphoris and Tiberias in that it had "administrative apparatus and personnel" though not to the same extent.

The synagogue

The remains of a Roman-period synagogue dated to between 50 BCE and 100 CE were discovered in 2009. The walls of the main hall were decorated with brightly colored frescoes, and inside there was a stone block carved with a seven-branched menorah.

Byzantine period

Recognition of Magdala as the birthplace of Mary Magdalene appears in texts dating back to the 6th century CE.

Early Muslim period

In the 8th and 10th centuries CE, Christian sources write of a church in the village that was also Mary Magdalene's house, where Jesus is said to have exorcised her of demons. The anonymously penned Life of Constantine attributes the building of the church to Empress Helena in the 4th century CE, at the location where she found Mary Magdalene's house.

Crusader period

Christian pilgrims to Palestine in the 12th century mention the location of Magdala, but fail to mention the presence of any church.

Mamluk period

Under the rule of the Mamluks in the 13th century, sources indicate that the church was not destroyed, but was transformed into a stable. In 1283, Burchard of Mount Sion records having entered the house of Mary Magdalene in the village, and about ten years later, Ricoldus of Montecroce noted his joy at having found the church and house still standing.

Mary Magdalene

All four gospels refer to a follower of Jesus called Mary Magdalene, and it is usually assumed that this means "Mary from Magdala". There is no biblical information to indicate whether this was her home or her birthplace. Most Christian scholars assume that she was from Magdala Nunayya, and that this is also where Jesus landed on the occasion recorded by Matthew.


Magdala's reference in is, in some editions, given as "Magadan"; and in it is "Dalmanutha".

Matthew's "Magdala" or "Magadan"

The New Testament makes one disputable mention of a place called Magdala. Matthew 15:39 of the King James Version reads, "And he sent away the multitude, and took ship, and came into the coasts of Magdala". However, some Greek manuscripts give the name of the place as "Magadan", and more recent translations follow this. Although some commentators state confidently that the two refer to the same place, others dismiss the substitution of Magdala for Magadan as simply "to substitute a known for an unknown place".

Mark's "Dalmanutha"

The parallel passage in Mark's gospel gives a quite different place name, Dalmanutha, although a handful of manuscripts give either Magdala or Magadan, presumably by assimilation to the Matthean text—believed in ancient times to be older than that of Mark, though this opinion has now been reversed.

The Talmud's two Magdalas

The Jewish Talmud distinguishes between two Magdalas only:
Some researchers think that Josephus refers to Magdala Nunayya by the Greek name Tarichaea, derived from the Greek Τάριχος or tarichos, meaning 'fish preserved by salting or drying', although the matter remains disputed.


Between 1971 and 1977 Magdala was partially excavated by Virgilio Canio Corbo and Stanislao Loffreda of the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum in Jerusalem. However, their reports are in Italian and attracted little notice.
Excavations at Magdala during 2007-8 were called The Magdala Project.