Magical Taluluto

Magical Taluluto is a Japanese manga series by Tatsuya Egawa, published in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump from 1988 to 1992, spanning a 21-volume collected edition. It was adapted into an anime television series that lasted 87 episodes and three feature films from 1990 through 1992.


In Tokyo, there lived a fifth grader named Honmaru Edojo who is a naughty youngster who is one of the most trodden-upon losers in his class, rule breakers and plausible outcast, until the time he meets Magical Taruruuto-kun. Taruruuto's powers help him deal with all his hardships, such as girls, bullies, and numerous other challenges. At the end of the series, Honmaru now graduates from Nanno Elementary and began to enter middle school along with his only crush Iona Kawai.


The Magical Taluluto TV series started on September 2, 1990 and ended on May 10, 1992. There are a total of 87 episodes. The series was produced by Toei, Asahi Broadcasting Corporation, and Asatsu and animated by Toei Animation.


Video games

During the series' run, multiple video games based on the Magical Taluluto series were released in the early 1990s. These include games for the Famicom, Super Famicom, Game Boy, Mega Drive, and Game Gear.
The series was also represented in some cross-over games like ', and '.