Major Oak

The Major Oak is a large English oak near the village of Edwinstowe in the midst of Sherwood Forest, Nottinghamshire, England. According to local folklore, it was Robin Hood's shelter where he and his merry men slept. It weighs an estimated 23 tons, has a girth of 33 feet, a canopy of 92 feet, and is about 800–1000 years old. In a 2002 survey, it was voted "Britain's favourite tree". In 2014, it was voted 'England's Tree of the Year' by a public poll by the Woodland Trust, receiving 18% of the votes. Its name originates from Major Hayman Rooke's description of it in 1790.


There are several theories as to how it became so huge and oddly shaped. The Major Oak may be several trees that fused together as saplings, or the tree could have been pollarded. However, there is only limited evidence for this theory as none of the other trees in the surrounding area were pollarded.


Since the Victorian era, its massive limbs have been partially supported by an elaborate system of scaffolding.
In 2002, someone illegally attempted to sell acorns claimed to be from the Major Oak on an internet-based auction website.
In 2003, in Dorset a plantation was started of 260 saplings grown from acorns of the Major Oak. The purpose was to provide publicity for an internet-based study of the Major Oak, its history, photographic record, variation in size and leafing of the saplings, comparison of their DNA, and an eventual public amenity.
The Major Oak was featured on the 2005 television programme Seven Natural Wonders as one of the wonders of the Midlands.
The formation sign of the 46th Infantry Division of the British Army in the Second World War was the Major Oak. Among the units of the division were battalions of the Sherwood Foresters regiment.
The plight of Major Oak is the subject of a song by English musician Beans on Toast on his 2017 album Cushty.
In July 2020 the tree was vandalized causing a 3 foot section of bark to fall.