Maksym Tymoshenko

Maksym Tymoshenko is a Ukrainian culturologist and a social activist. He is a doctor of philosophy, a professor of the , an :uk:Заслужений діяч мистецтв України|Honored Art Worker of Ukraine, member of the Green Cross International Board. President of the Ukrainian National Tchaikovsky Academy of Music as of November 2018.
His awards: the Order of Christ the Saviour, the special prize "For a Considerable Contribution to Promoting a Positive Image of Ukraine in the World" of the nationwide program "Person of the Year", the title of Ambassador for Peace, the Order of Merit, 3rd class. He is the chairman of the board of the international charitable foundation Dukhovna Spadshcyna . The president of the international foundation :uk:Міжнародна суспільно-патріотична фундація «Дні України»|Dni Ukrainy . The president of the national environmental organization :uk:Зелений Хрест Україна|Green Cross Ukraine.


Maksym Tymoshenko was born in Kyiv, Ukraine, on 20 April 1972 in the family of an educator, music professor and the president of the Kyiv Conservatory Oleh Tymoshenko. Maksym Tymoshenko graduated from the :uk:Київська середня спеціалізована музична школа-інтернат імені М. В. Лисенка|Lysenko Kyiv Specialized Music Boarding School. He graduated from the Kyiv National Economic University, with MBA. He got the second higher education at the National Academy of Culture and Arts Management.
He worked at the Ukrainian Culture Foundation's Office in Kyiv, at Nezalezhnist JSCB, in the administration of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, National Academy of Culture and Arts Management. He lives in Kyiv.


Academic Activities

Maksym Tymoshenko is the author of over 20 publications in academic books and periodicals. He participated in a number of academic conferences. His Ph.D. thesis is titled "International humanitarian strategies in contemporary Ukraine as a systemic cultural and artistic phenomenon". His Ph.D. was awarded in 2013.

Social activity

The Dni Ukrainy foundation under M. Tymoshenko's supervision promotes cultural achievements of the country. "Days of Ukraine in Europe" were held along the French Riviera, in Paris, Vatican City, the Principality of Monaco.
Green Cross Ukraine is a national committee of Green Cross International. The organization supports children affected by the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Throughout 12 years of its work, over 40 thousand children were cured and restored to health.
Since May 2019 - Co-Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the .
Since July 2019 - Co-Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the .


The author's publications

  1. Тимошенко, М. О. // Трансформація освіти і культура: традиції та сучасність : матеріали міжнар. наук.-творчої конференції, Одеса–Київ–Варшава, 2–3 травня 2012 р. К., 2012. С. 95.
  2. Тимошенко, М. О. : автореф. дис. … канд. культурології : 26.00.01. К., 2012. 20 с.
  3. Тимошенко, М. О. // Культура і сучасність. К., 2013. № 1. С. 99–104.
  4. Тимошенко, М. О. // Культура і сучасність. К., 2014. № 1. C. 77–82.

    Biographical materials

  5. Тимошенко М. О. // Хто є хто в Україні. К. : КІС, 2006. С. 963.
  6. Ємельянова, Л. П. Родина Тимошенків. К., 2012. С. 66–117, 172–189.