Malaria Consortium

Malaria Consortium is an international non-profit organisation specialising in the comprehensive control of malaria and other communicable diseases – particularly those affecting children under five. Its headquarters are in the United Kingdom, with regional offices in Africa and Asia, and country offices in Cambodia, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nigeria, South Sudan, Thailand, and Uganda..
Established in 2003, Malaria Consortium works in Africa and Asia and aims to combat malaria and neglected tropical diseases and improve child health. It is a specialist technical organisation that works with governments and partners to strengthen health service delivery.
Malaria control is central to Malaria Consortium’s strategy, but the organisation also undertakes complementary work on child health, including integrated community case management of childhood illness, nutrition, and the control of neglected tropical diseases. The organisation aims to improve access to healthcare for communities in Africa and Asia, including children under five, pregnant women, and migrant populations.
It supports a range of programmes in disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment; disease control and elimination; health systems strengthening; research, monitoring and evaluation, and surveillance; behaviour change communication: and national and international advocacy, and policy development.
Malaria Consortium began as a research consortium within the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and was originally funded solely by the UK Department for International Development,.
Malaria Consortium publishes research in open access and scholarly journals. The organisation also produces learning materials which aim to support the advancement of policy and practice.
The majority of Malaria Consortium’s work is funded through grants, contracts and consultancy income. This is mainly restricted funding to deliver on a particular project in either a specific country or multiple countries.
In November 2016, charity evaluator GiveWell included Malaria Consortium in its list of top charities for that year, for the consortium's work on seasonal malaria chemoprevention, and published a review of the consortium's work on that front.