De Alwis describes her research interests in the following manner: "Much of my early work focused on gender, nationalism, militarism and resistance culminating in my dissertation research on the conditions of possibility of motherhood in political protest in Sri Lanka. I have extended my concern with these issues in two slightly different trajectories at present: re-thinking feminist peace activism in Sri Lanka, especially how the category of the 'political' is constituted, mobilized and re-iterated and interrogating the categories of suffering and sentiment — initially explored in conjunction with the category of motherhood — within the broader context of humanitarian aid in times of conflict and the more recent tsunami which devastated vast swathes of the coast of Sri Lanka."
Selected Publications/Books
Feminists Under Fire: Exchanges Across War Zones. Co-edited with Wenona Giles, Edith Klein & Neluka Silva. Toronto: Between the Lines..
Casting Pearls: The Women's Franchise Movement in Sri Lanka. With Kumari Jayawardena. Colombo: Social Scientists' Association, 2001.
Cat's Eye: A Feminist Gaze on Current Issues. Colombo: Social Scientists' Association, 2000.
Embodied Violence: Communalising Women's Sexuality in South Asia. Co-edited with Kumari Jayawardena. Delhi: Kali for Women/London: Zed Press, 1996.
Selected Publications/Articles
"The 'Purity' of Displacement and the Re-territorialization of Longing : Muslim Women Refugees in North-Western Sri Lanka", in Sites of Violence: Feminist Politics in Conflict Zones, eds.Wenona Giles & Jennifer Hyndman. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2004.
"Feminism" in A Companion to the Anthropology of Politics, eds. Joan Vincent and David Nugent. Boston: Blackwell, 2004.
"Beyond Gender: Towards a Feminist Analysis of Humanitarianism and Development in Sri Lanka" in Women's Studies Quarterly, Vol. XXXI: 3&4, Fall/Winter 2003. With Jennifer Hyndman.
" 'Housewives of the Public': The Cultural Signification of the Sri Lankan Nation" in Crossing Borders & Shifting Boundaries, Vol.2, eds. Ilse Lenz, Helma Lutz, Mirjana Morokvasic-Muller, Claudia Schoning-Kalender & Helen Schwenken. Opladen: Leske + Budrich, 2002.
"Ambivalent Maternalisms: Cursing as Public Protest in Sri Lanka" in The Aftermath: Women in Post-war Reconstruction, eds. Meredeth Turshen, Sheila Meintjes & Anu Pillay. London: Zed Press, 2001.
"The Contingent Politics of the Women's Movement in Sri Lanka", with Kumari Jayawardena, in Women in Post-Independence Sri Lanka, ed. Swarna Jayaweera. Delhi: Sage, 2002.
"The 'Language of the Organs': The Political Purchase of Tears in Sri Lanka" in Haunting Violations: Feminist Criticisms & the Crisis of the 'Real', eds. Wendy Hesford and Wendy Kozol. Champagne: Univ. of Illinois Press, 2000.