Malicious falsehood

Malicious falsehood or injurious falsehood is a tort. It is a lie that was uttered with malice, that is, the utterer knew it was false or would cause damage or harm.
Malicious falsehood is a false statement made maliciously that causes damage to the claimant. Malicious in this case means the defendant either knew the statement was not true or did not take proper care to check. It is often covered under laws regarding defamation.

England and Wales

Proof of special damage

Section 3 of the Defamation Act 1952 reads:
This implements a recommendation of the Porter Committee
For the purposes of section 3 of the Defamation Act 1952, the publication of words in the course of a performance of a play is, subject to section 7 of the Theatres Act 1968, treated as publication in permanent form.


See of the Limitation Act 1980.

Northern Ireland

See of the Defamation Act 1955.