Malikus Saleh Airport

Malikus Saleh Airport is an airport located in North Aceh, Aceh province. The airport operated by Pertamina, and later by Government of North Aceh Regency.


The airport was built by PT Arun NGL to facilitate the transport of Lhokseumawe and its vicinity to the city of Medan. The airport served by the airline ever since at least Jatayu Air passenger land transport between Banda Aceh and Medan. It is caused by a conflict that broke out between the TNI and GAM, threatening the land transportation in Aceh.
PT Arun NGL initially using aircraft owned by Pelita Air Service to daily flights Lhokseumawe - Medan route. After a few years, flight operations were taken over by the Beechcraft 1900D Airliner Owned by Travira Air. Towards the lid PT Arun NGL, operation and ownership of the airport was turned over to the City of Lhokseumawe.
Currently, Citilink and Wings Air are the airlines that fly to airport Malikussaleh on Lhokseumawe-Medan route.

Airlines and destinations

, owned by Pt Exxon Mobil, is also nearby.


RankDestinationsFrequency Airline
1Medan, North Sumatra14Citilink, Wings Air