Malta Tanks (Royal Tank Regiment)

The Malta Tanks was a unit designation for an independent Royal Tank Regiment unit made of a mixture of British tank types deployed to Malta in World War 2.

Role and Deployment History

The first armoured unit destined for Malta was organised in 1940. Unit was formed with strength of 5 Officers and 62 Other Ranks; and was attached to 44th Battalion RTR prior to its embarkation for Malta; the unit was part of Malta Command.
On 28 November 1940 1 Independent Troop, 44 RTR arrived on the Island on Convoy R.45. The Troop's heavy equipment included:
1942 the tanks of A Squadron 6 Battalion RTR arrived on the Island. By 30 June 1942 the British armour was organised thus:
The A Squadron 6 RTR group was made up of 3 Officers also arrived in 1942.
The unit never became larger than 19 vehicles and did not see action. It spent the war patrolling, boosting morale across central Malta and acting as tugs removing damaged aircraft from runways.


Malta Tanks was equipped with five types of tank during its time on the Island.
NameTypePhotoArmament & Numbers on Island
Vickers Light Tank Reconnaissance TankDual turret fit of a Vickers.5in and.303 or Dual turret fit of a Besa 15mm and 7.92 mm Machine Guns - Three Deployed
Matilda Infantry Support Tank2 Pounder 40mm gun & Besa 7.92 mm coaxial machine gun - Four Deployed
Cruiser Cruiser Tank2 Pounder 40mm gun & 3x 0.303 Vickers machine gun - At least one Deployed
Cruiser Cruiser Tank2 Pounder 40mm gun & Besa 7.92 mm coaxial machine gun - Seven or less Deployed
Valentine Infantry Support Tank2 Pounder 40mm gun & Besa 7.92 mm coaxial machine gun - Four Deployed