Mama Baleshwar Dayal was a social worker and socialist politician from India. He is remembered for his work among the Bhil tribes of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh whom he organised to fight for their rights to jal, jungle aur jameen.
Dayal worked among the Bhil tribals of Banswara and Dungarpur. He was a reformer and activist who worked to eliminate the social evils of alcoholism, polygamy, superstition and bride-price that existed among the Bhils. He also mobilised the Bhils to fight their exploitation by the state and private individuals. Dayal led the Bhils to attain their rights to jal, jungle aur jameen and led the struggle for the regularisation of forest lands that had been encroached upon by the tribals in Jhabua, Madhya Pradesh in 1975. The Bhils of Banaswara came to be called Mama Bhil by non-tribals on account of their being followers of Dayal who was called mama or uncle by the Bhils. The tribe has undergone significant changes in their lifestyle and cultural practices by embracing vegetarianism, abjuring alcohol and wearing the sacred thread.
Dayal was also the founder of the Bhagat Movement which has been accused in the years following his death of communalising the tribals and promoting their conversion to Hinduism. He led the jungle kato movement in Madhya Pradesh in the 1960s where tribals cut down trees and sold them off to contractors. The agitation was responsible for large scaledeforestation in the Jhabua and Dhar districts of the state and the consequent environmental damage reduced the Bhils and Bhilalatribal groups in Jhabua district to dependence on government relief for their survival.
Political career
Dayal was a socialist and his work among the Bhils turned them into a votebank of the Socialist and, later, Janata Party in Rajasthan. He was a Member of Parliament in the Rajya Sabha from Madhya Pradesh between 1977 and 1984 and was president of the All India Samyukta Socialist Party in 1973. Following his death, the Janata Dal was weakened considerably in its strongholds of Banswara and Dungarpur and right wing political forces led by the Sangh Parivar have sought to appropriate his legacy to gain an electoral foothold in the tribal areas and to oppose the activities of Christian missionaries in the region.