
Mamiko is a Polish publisher located in Nowa Ruda, founded in 2000, since today published over 70 titles. The founder and the owner is Apolonia Maliszewska. The name MaMiKo comes from first syllables of names Magda, Milena, Kornel – the founder’s children. The publisher specialise in Polish and foreign fiction.
People who made their debut in Mamiko are: Wojciech Giedrys, Mariusz Appel, Tomasz Pułka, Elżbieta Lipińska, Przemysław Zawal, Michał Zantman, Grzegorz Mucha, Jacek Ostrowski, Marek Boczek, Szymon Bira and many more writers and poets living in Poland and foreign countries, like:
Mamiko publishes also popular since books, for example: Feliks Netz Poza kadrem, Dagmara Babiarz Otworz oczy, Marian Dziwniel Znad Niemna przez Odrę nad Sekwanę and translationsAndrij Bondar Jogging.