Manda Upazila

Manda is an Upazila of Naogaon District in the Division of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.


Manda is located at. It has 58493 households and total area 375.94 km². Major rivers are the Atrai and Shiba.


According to 2011 Bangladesh census, Manda had a population of 363,858. Males constituted 49.48% of the population and females 50.52%. Muslims formed 90.58% of the population, Hindus 8.74%, Christians 0.05% and others 0.64%. Manda had a literacy rate of 46.27% for the population 7 years and above.
As of the 1991 Bangladesh census, Manda has a population of 330,995. Males constitute 50.56% of the population, and females 49.44%, with a total adult population of 157,744. Manda has an average literacy rate of 24.3%, compared to the national average of 32.4% literate.

Points of interest

Kushumba Mosque

On the west bank of Atrai river, under the Manda upazila of Naogaon district, the mosque named Kusumba is situated.
Kusumba Mosque is named after the village Kusumba. It was built during the period of Afgan rule in Bangladesh by a high-ranking official named Sulaiman. It was built under one of the last Suri rulers. His name was Ghiyasuddin Bahadur Shah.Although the mosque was built under the suri rule, the architectural pattern was not influenced by the earlier Suri architecture of North India. It was constructed with a Bengal style. At the eastern central entrance, inscription mentioned the time period of construction of the mosque to 966 AH.
;Current Condition
The mosque was badly damaged during the earthquake in 1987. Kushumba mosque is also known as Kala Pahar, Kala Rotno which means Black Pearl. Possible reason: During the massive earthquake of 1897 the mosque was damaged severely, but stood firmly. Another reason can be for such name is the black plaster of stones at the outer wall. Now the mosque is protected by the Department of Archaeology of Bangladesh. The mosque is an attraction that is marveled at and studied, due its wonderful architectural style and elaborate decorations.
The mosque lies inside a walled enclosure with a monumental gateway with standing spaces for guards. The inscription tablet is totally in Arabic, except the part "built by" is in Persian.Walking up to the mosque, visitors will be greeted by a massive gateway, which is the only entrance to the mosque that is protected by a surrounding wall. One can almost imagine the guards outside, still protecting this breathtaking building. The foundation and most of the building was constructed from bricks, although the outer walls, some interior walls, side screens and columns are of stone. Bunches of grapes and vines curve in an almost serpentine manner on the mihrab frames, and kalasas, tendrils, and rosettes are reduced to dots. The platform edge has grape vine decoration, and there are rosettes on the spandrels of the arches supporting the platform, as well as on the mihrab wall. The central Mihrab is designed in the west. Opposite the central and southeastern entrances, the interior west wall has two mihrabs. There is division in the two mihrabs and they had different platforms. That is because the time of construction the general public was separated from officials and nobility during the prayers.

Manda Roghunath Jio Temple

Pakuria Shaheed Nagor(killing Field)

Shah Agriculture Museum

Manda has 14 unions/wards, 299 mauzas/mahallas, and 286 villages.
Unions are:
1. Bharso
2. Bhalain
3. Paranpur
4. Manda
5. Ganeshpur
6. Mainam
7. Prasadpur
8. Kushumba
9. Nurullabad
10. Kalikapur
12. Kanshopara
13. Kashab
14. Bishnopur
