Manfred Kridl
Manfred Kridl was a Polish historian of literature.
From 1932 Kridl taught at Wilno's Stefan Batory University, where he was an opponent of anti-semitic ghetto-bench policy. In 1940, during World War II, Kridl managed to escape from occupied Poland and settled in the United States. There he taught at Smith College, then at Columbia University.Works
- Antagonizm wieszczów. Rzecz o stosunku Słowackiego do Mickiewicza, 1925
- Literatura polska w. XIX, 1925
- Główne prądy literatury europejskie. Klasycyzm, romantyzm, epoka poromantyczna, 1931
- Wstęp do badań nad dziełem literackim, 1936
- Literatura Polska, 1945
- Editor, For Your Freedom and Ours
- A Survey of Polish Literature and Culture, 1956
- A. Mickiewicz – Poet of Poland
- The lyric poems of Juliusz Slowacki